I created a filter with [wpv-control-post-taxonomy taxonomy="workshopcategorien" type="radios" default_label="Alle lijnen" url_param="wpv-workshopcategorien" output="legacy" class="cats" label_class="catslos"]
In the front it looks like: hidden link
Pass: New
Starts with "Alle lijnen" in red, I want all the taxonomies to have there own backgroundcolour.
And also the outcome like the title "Van Inactief naar In actie!" i want to give them a different colour depending on there taxonomie.
Thank you for contacting our support forum.
You should be able to do this by following the example below using the nth-child css selector. hidden link
Please let me know if this helps.
Yes I used the code you send me, see: hidden link
Pass: New
That worked on the left site all the buttons have there own colour.
Now I want to change the titles, like"Van Inactief naar In actie!", of the articles in the same colour.
I need a automatic class per taxonomy, to colour the titles.
I tried this <div class="tg-nam cat-[wpv-taxonomy-slug]" > but it doesn't work.