i created a taxonomy page named zona and i noticed that if i insert a custom search form in that it autopopulate it with the value.
It could be a good feature but i can't find any documentation about it
You can see and example here: hidden link
In my case when you try to choose the zona it only shows the value of the current one, which is setted by the current one and the user can't choose others.
Archives are special, WordPress identifies the URL site.com/zona/montesacro/ and identifies it as the archive of posts with the montesacro term of the zona taxonomy, and so the database query it generates to return posts to display only returns posts with montesacro.
It is not possible at the same URL to display posts with different zona terms, and so a search filter for the zona taxonomy won't work.
You need to link to the other term archives (to change page url), or you can create a normal WordPress page to use for this same search and create a View that you add to the page with the same filter controls.
You cannot add search filters to a custom taxonomy archive for that same taxonomy, it won't work (which is expected behaviour given how WordPress taxonomy archives are implemented).
What you can do is show a View instead, which searches posts and includes the taxonomy filter.
So create a View that does what you require, and instead of inserting it on some other page, insert it on the custom archive.
If you are using Layouts, create a Layout which you assign to the taxonomy archive, but don't include a WordPress Archive cell, include the View instead.
If you are not using Layouts you will need to edit the custom archive at Toolset > WordPress Archives and in the output section make sure that no fields are output by the archive itself (between the wpv-loop tags is empty), and insert your View immediately after the wpv-layout-start shortcode in the Loop Editor.