I am trying to:
I am upgrading and old toolset site. I am creating a dev site where i have imported the old live database and been through your updates. It is using the legacy views.
Because I have transported the database it loses the view settings (dont know why) BUT if I re-assign the view to User I get the error shown in the image. If I set the view to post type the error goes away
Link to a page where the issue can be seen:
see image
I expected to see:
I need to set the view as User
Instead, I got:
I have p[performed the clean tasks with these results but the issue remains:
The table has been truncated.
Wrong database layer mode.
Rollback to the version 1 of the database layer complete. All changes of associations since then have been discared.
Hello. Thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
I'm not sure how exactly you imported your old site to new staging site but what if you try to create a staging site and try to import the old site using the duplicator plugin.
I exported the database through phpmyadmin and zipped up all the files from the live site. Created a fresh install of wordpress, imported the database, and swapped the files to the copied live site. I have to manually create a copy dev site as I have had other problems with third-party plugins.
However, I have found a solution by recreating the multiple views in the development site and re-linking them to the relevant pages