We have created a custom field for WooCommerce product categories (brochure PDF) and need to display it on the WooCommerce Single Product page of Avada. To accomplish this, we are trying to use toolset_get_field_instance($term, 'terms', 'brochure-pdf') to get the brochure PDF URL in our child theme, but we are getting a RuntimeException: Not implemented.
"Note: At the moment, supports only the post domain. File a feature request if you need to use this for users or terms."
Is there anything else we can do to get the brochure PDF URL from Toolset through some sort of API? Otherwise this blocks the development of a solution for one of our customers.
Hello. Thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
To display the custom term fields on the frontend, you need to create a taxonomy view that should set to query " WooCommerce product categories" and add the taxonomy term filter:
Taxonomy term filter
Taxonomy is set by the page where this View is inserted
And within the Loop editor, you should add your custom field brochure-pdf and add this view to your single product page.