Well, it seems I'm one of those who are stuck with dynamic map markers.
I tried https://toolset.com/forums/topic/different-map-marker-for-each-of-the-terms-within-a-taxonomy-on-map-view/
And unfortunately it doesn't work.
I'm using legacy View, so I put the code provided within the loop, right?
[wpv-conditional if="(has_term('secteurs', 'logement', null) eq '1')"]
[wpv-map-marker map_id="map-4" marker_icon="MyCustomMarkerURL" marker_id='marker-[wpv-post-id]' marker_field="wpcf-adresse" marker_title=" "]
So, what do I do wrong?
Many thx
English (English )
Asia/Kolkata (GMT+05:30)
Hello. Thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
Here is the doc which you should follow and check to display conditional markers based on the category/taxonomy:
- https://toolset.com/documentation/legacy-features/views-plugin/displaying-taxonomies-conditionally/#specific
For example:
[wpv-conditional if="( CONTAINS(#(foreign-language),'chinese') )"]
<p>This consultant speaks Chinese!</p>
- foreign-language is the taxonomy slug and 'chinese' is the taxonomy term.
You should try to adjust the code accordingly and see if that help you to resolve your issue. Please feel free to get in touch with me if you require further assistance.
Many thx, I followed the instructions from https://toolset.com/forums/topic/different-map-marker-for-each-of-the-terms-within-a-taxonomy-on-map-view/ but I was wrong. Using regular conditional worked perfectly :o)