OK, I'm struggling yet again. I'm kicking myself that I just don't seem to be improving at these more advanced requests. I'm doing OK at setting up basic views, but once anything remotely complex gets added to the equation, I seem to be lost and always needing your assistance.
I have the page set up here:
hidden link
I now have a parent view set up here to show the Ride Contact field:
hidden link
and a child view set up here to show the two Registration fields and have the relationship query filter set:
hidden link
I think I'm partially there with this. What I still need is as follows:
1) I tried to set up a dropdown filter in the parent view based on the Ride Contact field, but it didn't work. I tried to emulate how we've done this sort of filter previously and I couldn't figure out how to make that work. The filter needs to show all Ride Contact names in a dropdown. I tried setting it up as a new view called Ride contact dropdown, emulating how we have this done previously with another field. That view is here:
hidden link
I then tried to add that filter using the same approach this has been done successfully elsewhere on the site, but it didn't work. So I'm definitely doing something wrong.
2) I want to only show results after an option is selected on this dropdown. I have custom code that we added to achieve this functionality on a different page on the site using a different view. I think I'll be able to get this on my own by duplicating that code to work on this view. But I don't want to set that up until after I see the step above working.
3) The parent view is showing the Ride Contact field as a header for EVERY ride and then it will show the registrations for that specific ride under the header corresponding to that Ride. Instead, I only want the Ride Contact field to display as a header once, and then the single table below that should show all Registrations for all Rides. There shouldn't be a separate table showing Registrations for every Ride. All of them should be combined into one table.
Hello. Thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
I see you are filling the options for the Ride Contact using the "wpt_field_options" filter and that filter is querying the post type "ride-leader". The code snippet is added to "Custom Code" section. Where you are filling the Ride contact options using post title of post type "ride-leader" post and value is post ID.
So, when you save the post "ride" post after selecting the option from "Ride Contact" dropdown, it will save the related option value that is post ID.
The option for you to add search for "Ride Contact" is you will have to add textbox search and based on user input text we can search the post titles first in "ride-leader" post type and get the IDs and then we can get ids stored in the "Ride Contact" field of post type "Ride"' and where common IDs found we can display those posts - are you ok with that?
As there is no way to display the Ride Contact names (titles) as those are stored with post ID with your custom field "ride-contact-2" with post type "Ride".
OK, I've decided to just use Ride Leader as the filter. That is working. I removed the filter where I was trying to use Ride Contact. I'll consider that part of this resolved, so if we need to split the ticket again, that's no problem. The biggest thing left to address is
3) The parent view is showing the Ride Leader name as a header for EVERY ride and then it will show the registrations for that specific ride under the header corresponding to that Ride. Instead, I only want the Ride Leader field to display as a header once, and then the single table below that should show all Registrations for all Rides. There shouldn't be a separate table showing Registrations for every Ride. All of them should be combined into one table.
Is there any way to do this?
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