Seems like that fixed the problem, thanks. Now I just wish I could insert a taxonomy view into the block editor.
Also, can you think of a way to only show one marker when you have multiple views on a page that all return no results? We have 2 lists of items that are currently empty, and the client wants to show a default map image when this happens. Problem is, since there are 2 views, there are 2 'empty' markers on the page, and I need it to be one for the plugin to show the default.
You can insert a taxonomy View into the block editor, but not using View block. Try just inserting the shortcode for the View using a Shortcode block, or use a Classic Block and the little Fields and Views button to insert the View via shortcode.
I'm not sure I quite follow your question.
I suspect you are going to want to conditionally display a simple map when there are no results from either View (or show the intended map when there are results from either View), but you'll likely need to write a custom function or shortcode to use in the condition which effectively replicates the View queries to see whether they have any results or not and return a truthy or falsey value (1 or 0) according to which map should display.
Coming? Yes. But not anytime soon. We have the next 3 dev cycles pretty much worked out, and it isn't included in those, and beyond that we can't commit to anything as we'll evaluate what to work on nearer the time.