i found why im not getting the price shorting i need
as you can see and test in the search form of the home page hidden link we want the customer to just type the tyre code example 1557013.
We have put this code number in many product titles along with each product additional info example 1. nexen 1557013 rd 2. nexen 1557013 da 3. symitomo 1557013 ss 4. falkent 1557013 dd.
we would like the price shorting to involve all products having the code number but the search result takes data also from the other product title informartion so it handles each product as unique or groups similar product title thus showing the price results in groups.
this causes the final price sorting result to appear as not continuous .
how can i make the search result take into concideration only the number of each product title and not the other title information?