I made a custom post type, "events" and seven taxonomies that break down events into different event types.
I trying to make a view that displays, in chronological order, the next upcoming event of each of the event types, but limited to only one of each event type.
for example: hypothetically, if my event types were, sporting events, family friendly events, pet friendly events, and free events. I would like to display:
Nov. 1
pet friendly event
Nov 2.
family friendly event
Nov. 2.
free event
Nov. 25
sporting event
Hello, unfortunately there's nothing exactly like this built in to Types. You can filter by a custom field start date and order by start date, but not when you only consider the first result from a specific category in the query. I think you would have to use custom code to get this to work exactly like you want. We offer the API get_view_query_results that will allow you to access the results of a View in PHP:
You could call that API multiple times to get the results for each category, then combine those post IDs into a comma-separated list. Then feed that comma-separated list into another View filtered by post ID. That's probably the most straightforward way I can think of to achieve this exact display.