A seller from our website uploaded a product with several fields to be filled up by the clients. A client filled the form and all its fields, but some of them don't appear in the final order:
Player One: (they are being displayed in the picture attached)
- Name and Surname
- Date of Birth
- Email
- Phone Number
Player Two: (this data is not being shown in the final order)
- Name and Surname
- Date of Birth
- Email
- Phone number
Other products have the same from structure and display all the info in the final order, but in this case, it doesn't.
Sorry, the image wasn't attached. What I was saying is that:
In our website, we have multiple sellers that register their products so clients can buy them. One of our sellers, registered a padel tournament in which the client needs to buy a ticket, filling his information for the registration (name, surname, etc). The form where the client puts the information is created with toolset, and has the following structure:
Player One:
- Name and Surname
- Date of Birth
- Email
- Phone Number
Player Two:
- Name and Surname
- Date of Birth
- Email
- Phone number
Usually, when our seller receives the order from the client, he can see all the information the client filled (data about player one and two in this case), but we don't know why in the particular case, the information displayed is only the one regarding player one. In other orders, we can see all the fields (player one and two).
The thing is: the form is built with Toolset, and in the final order, it only shows some fields, not all of them. What can be causing this issue?
I have noticed that it only happens when 2 fields have the same name. Example:
Player One:
Name and surname:
Player Two:
Name and surname: (this one won't be displayed)
Whenever two fields have the same name, only one is shown in the data of final order. Is this because of any update? We would need that both fields are being displayed, because they contain different information.
I believe I have a better understanding of the issue now.
Would you mind if I logged into the site and do a quick test of the form ?
Also if player 1 and player 2 custom fields share the same slugs then the data won't be save correctly, which means the email won't be sent with the correct data.
I've enabled the private fields for your next response.