Tell us what you are trying to do? The users of the site complain about the slowness. Im not sure if it is related to the toolset or whether thre are some possible remedies to make it faster. The slownes comes from waiting for tables to load, or for fields in forms to react.
Is there any documentation that you are following?
The site is actually loading quite quickly for me.
Is there a particular page on the site that you're experiencing the issue with ? If so can you send me a link to the page ?
Usually when the site is loading slowing we recommend using some form of caching to help with the speed of the website. One such plugin that you can use is the WP Super Cache plugin.
Based on what I see on the site, you have quite a large number of posts. Now regarding the speed the URL above will help somewhat as well as utilizing some amount of caching however with such a large dataset wordpress will definitely slow down when trying to query your posts.
Do I need to turn on caching for evey view or only the super-views that are colling the smaller views?
also when there are fields on forms to link a record with existing many-to-many relationships the options in the field come up very slow. How can caching be used in this case?
I have experimented with cache. For example in the List of Borzoi view I have Cache Pages selected in the Avanced Options. But then in the link you sent me I read:
Cache is automatically turned off for Views when:
The user is loading a page, different from the first one, in a paginated View.
As I understand becouse it's a multipage view the cache will have no effect.
Anything else I can do?
Do I need to turn on caching for every view or only the super-views that are colling the smaller views?
If it is a single page view then I would recommend that you enable the caching as this will help the view not to query the database each time you load the page.
Cache is automatically turned off for Views when:
The user is loading a page, different from the first one, in a paginated View.
As I understand becouse it's a multipage view the cache will have no effect.
Anything else I can do?
Are you using any caching plugin at all ? Generally using caching plugins or any CDN will help improve the speed of your website. I recommend using the WP Super Cache plugin as well as if your server host offers the use of any CDN then it would be best to enable this on the site.
There is not much that we can do in terms of the speed of the data retrieval and this is solely a factor based on your server and how quickly it can process the requests to the database.
The caching plugins will help to load the pages faster but requesting the data from your database will take time especially when its a large dataset being queried like yours.
These sort of slowdowns are fairly common with wordpress itself when handling large dataset and filtering. The most I can do is make recommendations based on the common things that can cause a slowdown.
Finally I would take a look at the link below and try to follow some of the recommendations illustrated to help improve the site speed. hidden link