i am running multiple installations with download documents through 'WP Document Revisions' and simple listings through Toolset Views. that's running fine with but stop all output with 3.3 (and further). any idea?
Hello, I'm not sure what could be happening but I can try to help.
- Are you saying the Views that were previously working now show a "No results found" message, or that results are found but the contents in the View are not displayed correctly?
- Can I see the missing output on the front-end of your site so I can inspect the source code?
- Can you share the contents of the Loop Editor in your View so I can review everything?
- If you'd like to provide step by step instructions, or show me some screenshots explaining how to use the WP Document Revisions plugin on my own local site, I can run some additional tests to see if I can replicate the problem with Views 3.3+ active.
hej christian. at first here is an impression of listed results with v > hidden link
with 3.3+ alll results are just gone!
for sorting out i set up a development installation with only minimal plugins and different themes. the output is in that way quite interesting > empty
s > so it does find results, but it didn't run through the loop content template as expected. (even if only [wpv-post-link])
having this [wpv-post-link] directly in my view (without content template, my output is BACK AGAIN!
is that enough clue for you? or do i have to (re)integrate all my loop content templates?
This sounds similar to a known issue with Taxonomy Views displayed in a WordPress Archive. The issue is explained here: https://toolset.com/errata/the-loop-content-template-of-a-taxonomy-view-placed-inside-a-wordpress-archive-returns-nothing/
However, I am not sure why you would be experiencing it in Views 3.3 but not Views Is the View shown in a WordPress Archive? If not, it could be a different issue with similar symptoms. I would need to do a more in-depth investigation to know for sure.
Can you tell me more details about the type of View where the problem is seen? Is it a View of a post type, or a View of Users, or a View of some taxonomy?
Where is the View displayed on your site? Can you explain how the View was placed in a post, template or archive to show up on this page? Did you insert the View with a shortcode, or widget, etc?
If you would prefer to let me see wp-admin, I will be glad to take a closer look. Please let me know.
let's cut things short: my way is the most simple one …
1. WP with types and views (any theme)
2. additional plugin WP Document Revisions activated, pdf als demo content uploaded, (watch out on document default status: private) private removed!
3. new view with 'Full custom display mode' for post type 'Documents' and loop wizard with unordered list and any content (eg [wpv-post-link])
results in views 3.3+ …
a) with content template for the loop > empty li
b) without content template for the loop > works as expected