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[Resolved] Showing Contents & Hiding Contents in Similar Views

This support ticket is created 2 years, 2 months ago. There's a good chance that you are reading advice that it now obsolete.

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This topic contains 22 replies, has 2 voices.

Last updated by Minesh 2 years, 2 months ago.

Assisted by: Minesh.


Tell us what you are trying to do?
I’m trying to show contents for some users that have membership on my site in certain page that needs login:
hidden link

While I don’t want to show them here in the another page which doesn’t need login:
hidden link

I’ve taxonomy called SN & Team in Sections اقسام , I tried to edit the Output of posts in the Toolset but still shows all (Public & SN) in both pages.

Is there any documentation that you are following?

Is there a similar example that we can see?
What is the link to your site?
hidden link


I’m adding two more pictures to show the previous one (I discovered it wasn’t clear) & then added 2 more ones
1. The Categories shows SN that has 4 subcategories.
2. Sections اقسام it’s called Social Network

The other image shows the output of the posts, this one encircled is intended to appear to the logged in the link that has SN in it.
While shouldn't appear in the public link.
N.B. Both views show same Subjects مواضيع view because same titles (same subjects) are allover the site, but there’re contents that should be as privilege to the memebrs others not.



Languages: English (English )

Timezone: Asia/Kolkata (GMT+05:30)

Hello. Thank you for contacting the Toolset support.

I will require to check your structure and how you are displaying the view.

As I understand - when a post is assigned with taxonomy term "SN" then it should be displayed to only loggedin users - correct?

*** Please make a FULL BACKUP of your database and website.***
I would also eventually need to request temporary access (WP-Admin and FTP) to your site. Preferably to a test site where the problem has been replicated if possible in order to be of better help and check if some configurations might need to be changed.

I have set the next reply to private which means only you and I have access to it.



Languages: English (English )

Timezone: Asia/Kolkata (GMT+05:30)

I see on the pages you shared, you are displaying the nested taxonomy view's (a taxonomy view inside another taxonomy view) where you link to the single subject post.

Do you mean that when you display the posts on the single subject page/post - you do not want to display posts that should be attached to SN category?

For example - if any post that is attached to SN category or subcategory then it should not be displayed on the following link?
=> hidden link

Because post is linked with category SN - what is the relation of SN category taxonomy with the "Subjects" taxonomy?
How we find that the x post/taxonomy term should not be displayed on the following page as its taxonomy term.
=> hidden link


Yes that’s correct, the posts that appear after
—> The relationship between “Subjects” & SN in Sections & Categories:
Each post has more than segregation way, it belongs to certain section on the site:
“Section” & “Category” are specifying the sections….you’ll find SN in both “Sections” taxonomy & Category too.
Each post is also under certain subject to help the people understand how to find it under certain subjects as topic.
The Subjects appear in the main page of the Parent view of the two links (I’ll discuss them below in more details) but when you click on the Subject I want to hide & unhide the SN contents according to the link.

—> Public Articles & Sermons (Not SN) with link:
hidden link
So I want the posts that appear in the view of…. the contents that are SN belonging to be hidden if it’s categorized as SN or Team in that table.

Vice Versa in the blow one:
—>SN Articles & Sermons (Not Public) with link:
hidden link
While the opposite in the other page…I want to hide the public posts & show the SN belonging posts.
N.B. Same Subjects view is the same in the both pages, but the view that appear after clicking on the subject should be different.

If it’s not clear let me know.



Languages: English (English )

Timezone: Asia/Kolkata (GMT+05:30)

Still its not that clear and I do not able to understand the SN taxonomy term relationship as you are querying the taxonomy view not the post type view.

I see on the page where you do not want to SN related post is using the following taxonomy views:
- hidden link (parent)
- hidden link (child)

I understand that you do not want to display posts belongs to SN taxonomy term but while you are displaying content for taxonomy "Subjects" nested view as above (parent and child) its just not clear how to exclude the posts belongs to another taxonomy. Can you please setup a test page and tell me what posts you do not want to display and why?


I don’t know how to make a test page with the required because it’s my same question so I don’t know how to show my desired results except by words & images.
Well, if the posts has SN ticked(selcted) should not appear in the results of the Public Articles & Sermons like the circled in this link
hidden link

I opened it from the page “Articles & Sermons” >> 01.02 الميلاد الجديد

I want:
I want to filter out (exclude) anything belongs to the SN in this page & other pages (if the post has this choice & belongs to the SN shouldn’t appear in this page of any output)

While the opposite is needed to hide all other sections EXCEPT the SN in the “Articles & Sermons SN”


I’m sending another images from the SN to illustrate what I mean:
Same example Subject but opened from inside the “Articles & Sermons SN” >> 01.02. الميلاد الجديد
Should NOT show the other sections’ contents (other than the SN which is public) but shows the SN only & exclude the others.



Languages: English (English )

Timezone: Asia/Kolkata (GMT+05:30)

So, on the following link:
- hidden link

When user is loggedin - it will remove/hide the posts assigned to SN term.

Can you please check now and tell me if it works as expected. If it works as expected:
- Do you mean if user is not-logged in (guest user) then you want to remove all other posts and only display posts where SN category is assigned?


Many thanks for the efforts,
The second statement….when isn’t logged in (Guest - Public contents) they should be removed.
And vice versa in the other page for the SN, to show the ones for the SN & hide the Public ones.

But actually I want to control the Output to prevent them from appearance…for they’re hidden by another plugin (WP User Front) & leaves a yellow message. Also appear to the logged in in the other page for the SN by the same plugin.
More explanation: My desire is to avoid them posts from being in the view (to avoid this message from appearance.)
Also to make difference from outputs of the “Articles & Sermons for Public (not SN)” to show only the Public contents not the SN should be hidden.
While the other output for “Articles & Sermons for SN” to show only the ones for the SN & hide the public contents.

The link you’ve sent still shows the SN contents but hidden by the WP UF plugin because the Yellow message appears in the top twice = 2 SN contents are in the output but got hidden….I’m attaching the image.
I want the output to not show them from the beginning.

I tried to add conditional taxonomy in the Posts output in the views for the public Articles & Sermons but didn’t make difference.
I tried to deselect SN in the Filters still not effective….
I think there should be another Archive for the SN separate from the Public…I don’t know how but I’m just guessing.


In another meaning: The Public Articles & Sermons outputs should be all public only, even if the user is logged in they shouldn’t appear in the Public page, for they’re already in another page.
This page should be for Public contents only.
While the opposite is for the other page for the SN should be only for SN contents, not giving output for the public contents

- Public posts: that has not SN ticked neither in the Category nor the Sections tax
- SN posts: that has SN ticked in both the Category & the Sections tax.



Languages: English (English )

Timezone: Asia/Kolkata (GMT+05:30)

Whatever you shared is I just understand that I've to hide/remove the posts that is assigned to SN term for loggedin users and display all posts for not-loggedin (guest user).

Can we please go step by step and resolve the issue one by one at a time.

As per my previous message:

Is the solution shared is correct? If yes, what is the next - what you want to display for not-loggedin user on the same URL?
=> hidden link


Great all SN related contents disappeared from the Output whatever logged in or logged out...thanks for the the Public Articles & Sermons page's output.
hidden link

The other point please I want the opposite to take place to show any SN related contents & hide all other that aren't SN in this page:
hidden link

N.B. I discovered that the SN contents disappeared in both pages.



Languages: English (English )

Timezone: Asia/Kolkata (GMT+05:30)

The other point please I want the opposite to take place to show any SN related contents & hide all other that aren't SN in this page:
hidden link
The above pate is listing the following view:
- hidden link

It lists the subject taxonomy " Subjects مواضيع" and it does not have the SN term.


Yes, but each post when you go the edit page it has another Taxonomy called Sections that has SN
Also in Categories thay has SN
So I want to filter contents not Subjects but THE OUTPUT when you click on chuld Subject it should bring output that contains SN or should not bring this output according to the page.
In another words: the output page of posts should bring out contents according to the page that user clicks on it
1. If it's public page of Articles & Sermons,
hidden link
when a user click on any subject in this page, it should bring output of all posts that belong to the specified subject all posts EXCEPT the ones that are belonging to that same subject but with SN section...those shouldn't appear in the ourput of this page above.

2. The opposite with the page of Articles & Sermons SN
hidden link
when a user click on subject in this page, it should bring output of posts that of the same subject but ONLY for SN Taxonomy selected.

Let me create 2 posts as example & will get back to you...few minutes will write again.