I have an event width startdate 30 October and EndDate 30 December. We just passed the StartDate but the EndDate is in December. But this event is allready hidden ... I have to add a second filter but what I tried It doesn't work.
hidden link
So there is one event starting on 30 October and ends on 30 December. But I can't see this event.
There is an event With StarDate on 30th of October till 30th of December and still open ... only not visible on front end.
Events you see now is good but the one I meant isn't visible, there must be Three events visible on frontend
"Actie: geef je club een rondje" is missing
The problem is that you've set the eventstartdate to be greater or equal to NOW().
This means that any events that start Today november the 9th and onwards will show up. A filter like this won't allow you to display the event that started on October the 30th.
Perhaps you need to change the start date filter to a static value so that it can check for x amount of months in the past or x amount of weeks in the past.
It won't automatically display the events that have end dates in the future but their start date has already gone.