Shane asked me if the student would choose a location, but that's not the case. For each location the student needs to choose a Workshop. If was hoping that I could make a View with the locations and in that View all Workshops as a selection. What I don't know how to do is how to get the selection to a repeatable field of the Student type.
If there's any coding necessary, no problem, but please point me to some starting points or documentation.
I took another look at this at the perspective of using a view to provide the values.
How I see this working is that you have a view per set of locations.
Then on your form you will create a generic select field for each of the view that was created. Now each of the generic select fields will have the same slug as the corresponding custom field that you would want the value that is selected to be populated with.
Now you will just wrap your generic fields in conditionals based on the determining field. So if the User select A then only the generic field with the view that corresponds to A will show up.
Please let me know if this was clear as you are able to use views to provide select field values.
Oh, yeah: with these settings I don't see anything on my front end form. When I edit the page where the form is placed I do see the output of the view.
This should be working now. I only made a few modifications.
1. I've set your view to be filtered by a URL parameter instead of shortcode attribute since you're using the url parameter parent_dagschema_id.
2. I've checked the option on your view that says "Disable the wrapping DIV around the View " so we can get a clean output from our view that will work in the select field.
3. Removed the ordered list html tags from the view.
Yes, it works! Thank you. Now I just have to figure out how to get children of the Location in there, but that shouldn't be a problem. And if it is, i'll create another ticket.