Hi, I've the CPT comidas-del-dia with the custom field "fecha" (it's a date field).
I built a legacy view with the query filter by attribute "fechadia" to display only a certain comidas-del-dia entry.
I've added a test entry with field "fecha" value 1710115200 (unix timestamp).
I made few tests on this page:
hidden link
1. If I pass the attribute fechadia=1710115200 I correctly get the entry.
I've created the custom shortcode [fecha-dia] that return the timestamp of a certain day of the current week based on the attribute diasemana where I pass 1,2,3,...7:
Hello. Thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
When you pass the custom shortcode as view's shortcode argument, you will have to register the custom shortcode at:
=> Toolset => Settings => Fornt-end Content tab => Argumentos de shortcode de terceros
As you can see I've register the shortcode name fecha-dia at section "Argumentos de shortcode de terceros":
=> hidden link