The idea for the project is to have each 1 Strain (plant) linked to N Prices. Each Price is from a different Supplier.
- I have created the following CPTs: Strain , Supplier, Price.
- I have created the following Relationships: Strains-Prices(1:N), Suppliers-Prices(1:N).
Ideally we would be able to set a new Price (with all its info) when adding a new Strain.
I can do this and the Strains-Prices relationship is set ok, BUT I can't set which Supplier the price belongs to from that screen as there isn't a field showing to select the Supplier (no dropdown/whatever to set that second relationship).
Is there any way to activate this or a different approach that allows for that so that the admin can add all the info from a single screen?
Given that this is a relationship between 3 different post types it won't be possible to connect the Supplier to a Price from the Strains CPT.
Types only handles direct relationships when doing a one to many. If it were a Many to Many you would've had the option to add a Price intermediary CPT where you can add the price as a custom field.
However given that it is a 1-M it would need to be done from the Suppliers side. I hope this clarifies your issue for you.
Thanks a lot for the answer. It's a shame, as it would have really speed up the data input process. Hope you guys can implement that in the future.
Meanwhile, is it too bad of an idea to create a N:M relationship with a Price intermediary CPT even when I only plan to use it as 1:N? I don't know the implications performance wise or other problems we could face.
Meanwhile, is it too bad of an idea to create a N:M relationship with a Price intermediary CPT even when I only plan to use it as 1:N? I
I wouldn't advise switching to a Many to Many relationship unless you will be actually designing a many to many type setup because the relationship is different and how it is handled with views is also different and a bit more complex.