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[Resolved] Setting a specific style for the active taxonomy

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This support ticket is created 6 years, 10 months ago. There's a good chance that you are reading advice that it now obsolete.
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Last updated by Luo Yang 6 years, 10 months ago.

Assisted by: Luo Yang.

Screenshot 2017-10-31 15.14.04.png
Screenshot 2017-10-31 15.13.03.png

I have a taxonomy list A to Z... I am trying to create a conditional so that the current taxonomy page I am on highlights the appropriate navigation item.

For Example taxonomy view displays links |A|B|C|D|E|F|G|... etc

When some one click "B", I want to change the style so that B is bolded and is a different color while all of the other links stay the same as they were.

I feel like I am over thinking this, This is what I am using for my loop. Screen shots are attached.

<div class="hide-at-414">By Last Name:  
[wpv-conditional if="( '[wpv-taxonomy-title]' eq '[wpv-taxonomy-slug]' )"]
<span class="alpha-font-active">[wpv-taxonomy-link]</span>
[wpv-conditional if="( '[wpv-taxonomy-title]' ne '[wpv-taxonomy-slug]' )"]
<span class="alpha-font">[wpv-taxonomy-link]</span>

I hope that makes sense. Basically I just want to highlight the taxonomy choice for the page you are on.


Dear stephen,

It needs some custom codes, here is the detail steps:
1) Create a shortocode [is-tax] to check current page is the specific term's archive page, add below codes into your theme/functions.php:

function my_is_tax_func($atts, $content){
    $args = shortcode_atts( array(
        'term' => 0,
        'tax' => 'category',
    ), $atts );
	$res = 0;
	$obj = get_queried_object();
	if((isset($obj->term_id) && $obj->term_id == $args['term'])
		&& (isset($obj->taxonomy) && $obj->taxonomy == $args['tax'])
		$res = 1;
	return $res;
add_shortcode( 'is-tax', 'my_is_tax_func');

2) Dashboard-> Toolset-> Settings
option "Third-party shortcode arguments", add the srhortcode name: is-tax

3) Use [is-tax] in the wpv-conditional shortcode, like this:

              [wpv-conditional if="[is-tax term=[wpv-taxonomy-id] tax='category'] eq 1"]
				<span class="alpha-font-active">[wpv-taxonomy-link]</span>
              [wpv-conditional if="[is-tax term=[wpv-taxonomy-id] tax='category'] ne 1"]
				<span class="alpha-font">[wpv-taxonomy-link]</span>

Please replace "category" with your custom taxonomy slug

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This ticket is now closed. If you're a Toolset client and need related help, please open a new support ticket.