I've created an Intermediary post relationship (many-to-many) and a Relationship Form to connect parent and child post.
It's working ok.
When creating a new connection, title is set as - Relationship name + post parent ID + post parent child -
I would need instead: post parent title + post parent child.
I don't find any save data hook for relationship forms.
Is there any documentation that you are following?
Is there a similar example that we can see?
Nop. I've been searching for it.
Thank you in advance
Best regards
It does not seem to me there is a public API for this.
I see the forms for relationships use a new $form_object which holds the data I would require to craft a code but there is no filter by my knowledge in Toolset Forms Code that allows me to hook it to the Forms Submit action.
There is some Public API in the code but not entirely related to this.
I am querying with the Developers how we should proceed here.
There is no API yet for Relationship Forms.
We added this as a request and will implement this in future, eventually along with a refactor of the current Toolset Forms API.
For now you'd need to use single Post or User Forms, if you intend to use the API for Forms.