I've set up a filter/search block to allow users to filter the results on a page and a couple of the fields i have are select lists which pull their values from a custom field, however I can't see a way to add a blank/empty option to each of them from the search form?
So at present there is a list, lets call it LISTA, with values VALUEA, VALUEB, VALUEC which can be filtered through, however when the list loads VALUEA, being the first value, is shown as being selected, so when the search form is submitted, this value is being searched on. Is there a way to allow for a blank value such as "Please select ..." or "View all" so that users can make a selection on *another* field but leave that one alone so that it's not filtered at all?
That's great, thanks for that - is it possible to supply a default value for radio boxes too? Or is that due to their nature I'd need to either switch to using radio boxes for displaying the filters or just use the RESET button instead?