Good morning
I have created a custom field that is a data picker in which I will put several dates in which the product is available.
I select for example two dates or a range of dates.
Now I need a calendar to be shown in the frontend on the product page that appears in green on the days that I have selected in the backend datapicker and in gray on the rest of the days.
In short, show in a visual calendar the days that I have selected in a datapicker.
Toolset does not have a calendar view. You either need to use third-party plugins to add the dates and the view calendar to implement a calendar view by custom coding.
If you are interested in hiring a developer to do that for you you can use the list below to find one:
There is the possibility of adding a search filter by a meta_key. I have wclover plugin which already has availability calendar. The date is saved as a meta key with the name _wc_booking_availability.
When I create a toolset filter in the "Non types fields" section, it does not show me _wc_booking_availability.
How can I create a filter to search by _wc_booking_availability.
Good afternoon, I have managed to create the filter, but when selecting the date the value puts it in the following format value="1679702400", but I need it to remain in the same format that is displayed in the datapicker "2023-03 -20" Y-m-d
When you use the date filter using the Toolset, Toolset date filter returns the unix timestamp so what you should do is you should convert the Unix Timestamp to your desired date format and then adjust the view's filter accordingly.
You can adjust the view's filter on fly using the Toolset View's filter hook: wpv_filter_query