Users have custom fields for document uploads.
Now i wish to hide the file from public as they are by default hidden link.
Only logged in users allowed to access own files.
What you can do is to use our Access plugin to manage the media gallery by setting the permissions so that the users won't be able to preview other's media items.
Access Control -> Post Types -> Media objects> .. can only manage media-element pages, not files :
"This section controls access to media-element pages and not to media that is included in posts and pages."
In Access documentation i find only this:
"Please note that since the Access version 2.3.2, it is not possible to add items belonging to the Media (attachments) post type, to the Post groups." - So can't manage with Post Groups also.
Referred solution handles access to media library, but our customized users do not have access to media library and to WP backend at all. Users can upload files thru CRED form only. Now i'm tryng to restrict direct access to files, located in /wp-content/uploads, for everyone except author and administrator(image 1).
There is a pretty nice preview of possibilities to resolve the case with Toolset Access(image 2), but does not do it all.
"This section controls access to media-element pages and not to media"
Yes I understand what you are trying to achieve but this is outside of what our toolset access plugin can achieve. The note you highlighted means that it restricts access to the media element page
Example if you go to the media library and click on an image then click view attachment page then this is what will be restricted.
This is almost what i just did - restricted direct access to uploads for all not logged in users. Will looking forward for custom solution, as it have to be by project.