There are issues that occur with an off-and-on behavior, with a Toolset-Divi development.
Several years ago we created a site with two search results, a Quick Search and an Extended Search with additional custom fields.
The "Extended Search" on this site which once displayed search results correctly, now diverts to a different domain entirely and displays an unsafe site onscreen notification. No additional development or changes were made to the site in any way, especially none that would have caused an interruption such as this.
This is a problem that I am unable to resolve on my own, and I am hoping your experience and sharp eyes can help locate and resolve the cause of the issue.
Thank you.
The Extended Search is still operational, but for some reason, the button directing to the Extended Search has a staging sub-domain in the address that does not exist. With the sub-domain pre-fix removed, the remaining domain address displays the correct form.
Can you please help locate where this can be corrected?
Thank you.