I'm using the Block Editor for my Search Results Archive.
If there are no results, I'd like to follow the "No Items Found" text with a sitemap (shortcode: [simple-sitemap]) to aid the user.
Is there a place I can insert this shortcode so that it renders? I've tried putting it in a couple difference places in the WordPress Archive but it apparently renders the sitemap first, and then searches the sitemap output.
What I'm seeking is that, if there are no results, the sitemap is then displayed.
I'm glad to provide more details if I am not being descriptive enough. Thank you for your help.
That is the first place I tried, and when it didn't work I tried other spots in the template that also didn't work.
When I place the shortcode in that area - whether inside the [wpml-string] shortcode or outside it, it seems like it's parsing that shortcode first. I get a "Pages Not Found" output from Simple Sitemap - obviously if the search term isn't found by the site search it's not going to be a page name in the sitemap.
What I have chosen to do is to just add a hyperlink to the Sitemap page. Should the user get no results and be interested in viewing the sitemap rather than searching again, they can just click this link and be directed there. I think that should be good enough in this case.