I have built a website where people can post listings to buy and sell equipment for people with disabilities. It mostly works great, but an issue has been raised regarding the search function...
I'm using a view with a search filter, I don't recall which exact documentation I followed to set it up, but I think it's a pretty standard setup.
So the issue: if you visit hidden link and, as an example, search for "walker", a bunch of relevant stuff comes up. But if you search for "walkers" with an S on the end, nothing is found. Obviously this is because none of the listings actually say "walkers" since they are each for a single item only, but a visitor searching the site can't be expected to anticipate such details.
Is it possible with Toolset to make it so that the search is a little bit "fuzzy" and shows results that are one letter off from what was entered? Or is this a core WordPress function that Toolset is making use of, but doesn't actually have control over?
Hello and thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
Fuzzy search is not a core WordPress feature. Toolset uses the core WordPress features, so that can't be implemented only with Toolset.
On the other hand, we integrate with the Relevanssi search plugin, which offers some kind of fuzzy search capabilities. https://wordpress.org/plugins/relevanssi/
Check this article from our documentation https://toolset.com/documentation/user-guides/views/searching-texts-custom-fields-views-relevanssi/