I am trying to: Create a child post link for users to create a child post linked to the correct parent post from the parent post and from a custom view. When I go to select the "Page that contains the form" I constantly get "No results found" as the result. It won't allow me to select the page and therefore I cannot make the link work. I followed this: https://toolset.com/documentation/user-guides/cred-forms-for-child-content/ but it doesn't address page selection. Which I am assuming is because it's supposed to be easy.
Link to a page where the issue can be seen:
I expected to see: The page I selected come up when I type in the name. I've double checked the name about 100 times at this point. But I can't get it to read any pages right now.
Instead, I got: "No results found." As you can see from the images below. There is a pic of the page with the from on it showign the name. Then the image showing where I've typed the page name without any results being found.
Hi, can you tell me more about the Content Layout for the Volunteer Form page? Is there a CRED form cell in this Layout, or is the CRED form inserted in a Visual Editor cell using a shortcode? Please take a screenshot showing the Content Layout editor screen and include it here in your next reply.
The layout is a cred form cell on the page. I actually tried doing it both ways just in case. Very strange...thanks for your help so far.
Okay thanks, please try the following troubleshooting steps:
- Temporarily activate a default theme like Twenty Seventeen, deactivate SiteOrigin CSS and any other non-Toolset plugins, and try again. If the problem is resolved, reactivate your theme and plugins one by one until the conflict is revealed.
- If the problem was not resolved, open the browser console and watch for any errors that may appear when you type the page name into the autosuggest field.
Let me know the results. If no errors appear, and the problem is not resolved by deactivating your theme and other plugins, I'll need to take a closer look. I will activate private reply fields here so you can share login credentials securely.
Okay I'm not quite sure what is going on, but as a temporary solution please place a link to the CRED form manually like this:
<a href="/volunteer-form/?parent_projects_id=[wpv-post-id]">Create volunteer</a>
Try that out and let me know the results, then I can try to dig into the problem with the autosuggest field.
Also I noticed there are two parent Project cred fields in the Volunteer CRED form:
<div class="project-parent-title form-group">
<label>projects Parent</label>
[cred_field field='_wpcf_belongs_projects_id' value='' order='date' ordering='desc' select_text='--- not set ---' class='form-control' output='bootstrap']
[cred_field field='_wpcf_belongs_projects_id' value='' select_text='--- not set ---' class='form-control' output='bootstrap']
One of those should be removed.
This does solve the problem however, I would still like to know why the search isn't working. If it's a bug I can accept. Just curious. Thanks for your help!
Okay thanks for the update. I'm passing this information along to my 2nd tier support team for further investigation. I'm able to replicate this problem with only Types, Views, and CRED active so I suspect it's a bug. Please stand by and I will update you as soon as I have more information to share.
Hi, we have published an erratum post about this issue:
You can find a patch file in the erratum that will resolve the autosuggest issue. We plan to include this fix in the upcoming CRED 2.0 release. Please apply the patch and let me know if the autosuggest issue is not resolved.
Hi, Toolset Forms 2.0 (formerly CRED) is now available for download or automatic update. Please update when you are ready and let me know if the issue is not fully resolved.