there is a search form in the top-right corner here:
hidden link
I searched for "judith brin ingber" and I see 34 Search Results Found
Now, I made an archive template structured as a table - and it is working fine, but the table appears in the middle of the page - there are some results outside the table, before the table (frames with red in the attached image) - that I don't understand why - can you help me?
To make myself more clear:
this is one of the results you see there: ANNUAL1975_companies_premeieres
it links to a PDF: hidden link
this PDF is connected to this article: hidden link
Hi, please edit this archive and copy all the contents from the loop editor, then paste that content in your next reply. If any Content Templates are used in the loop, please copy + paste the contents of those templates as well. I'll review everything and see what we can do to fix the problem.
Not sure how this ticket was marked closed, but the solution for this problem will be included in Views 2.9.4
Please find Views 2.9.4 available for download or automatic update. This version of the software includes a fix for the issue where some results appear outside the loop. Please let me know if the problem is not completely resolved.