Did the feature mention here: https://toolset.com/forums/topic/only-edited-post-to-be-in-pending-review-not-the-original-post/
Ever get built?
What we want to do is allow people to submit edits but they go to pending, the content still stays live on the site and if the pending edits are approved then the changes go live on the site.
No, that was never implemented, you can see it here and upvote in a few days on the url here (it will hold all previous votes already):
Currently, you will need to do that with a Custom Code.
You can hook into the cred_before_save_data() https://toolset.com/documentation/programmer-reference/cred-api/#cred_before_save_data and stop the save process, create a new post, edit that post later in the WordPress Admin or thru another form as Editor and publish it. With that again fire a custom code, if you use Forms with cred_save_data() this time, and overwrite the old post with the new content, delete the new content.
This is the API of WordPress needed to do that:
The Forms API will help you to fire the code at the right moments.
However, we cannot assist much of such custom code but can instruct more in detail than above how to use it.
If you need such help, please open a ticket where a Supporter can guide you through the details.
For Custom Code assistance, please refer to https://toolset.com/contractors/
When I go to feature requests and try to search for "Create a Revision when editing a Post with Toolset Forms" nothing seems to come up?
I can click your link but from your link there doesn't seem to be a way to vote for the idea? Only if you search for it from the main feature requests search page which I can't find it on.