I want to create a download page for the students on my website where, I want them to fill the form before they can download any materials. I also want to make it secure, so that the link cannot be share to download it, thus bypassing the system. Can I use CRED forms and Access control to make this functionality ?
Also the materials are grade wise, so I would want them to categories them so that every category requires a fresh user to go through the form and then the material.
Unfortunately with Access you can only restrict the items or the page based on the user's role. If you want to protect your downloads you can try using the plugin below. https://wordpress.org/plugins/download-manager/
This plugin should protect from sharing a direct link to the file for downloading.
"Also the materials are grade wise, so I would want them to categories them so that every category requires a fresh user to go through the form and then the material."
Do you mean that the items that show up for download are based on what the user fills out in the form ?
Essentially it will be doing a filtering of the available material ?
"Do you mean that the items that show up for download are based on what the user fills out in the form ?"
- Not exactly. For example :-
We have download materials for 9th Grade Students and 10th Grade Students. Then We would want to allow access to all the materials for 9th Grade once he FILLS UP THE LEAD FORM.
Also I went ahead and tried to use the recommended plugin. But it only offer these (hidden link) lock options, I can't create a form for it to unlock the file. Also there is no way I can group them, the way I mentioned above.
I can see a way of doing this with custom fields on a user, however this would require the user to edit their respective profile and select the grade level.
From there you can hide the material using conditionals on a page with user meta. So lets say on the user's profile they select grade 9.
On the page with the material you will have each of your grades locked in a conditional that would say "if my-field < = 9 then display".
Another example
if my-field <=1
Grade 1
if my-field <= 2
Grade 1
Grade 2
If my-field <= 3
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
I'm assuming this is what you want to achieve exactly.
Hey Shane I guess I have explained my question in a wrong way.
This features allows me, to capture leads from the visiting user. I don't want to sign them in. I want these guest users to be able to download a certain part of the downloaded content ( grouped in categories) if they fill the form. I also want it to be secure as well so that anyone cannot share the link and bypass the form.