Tell us what you are trying to do?
So If this goes to Christian... As you know... For anyone else...
Well I am "trying" to redo my entire site so it is responsive. I have a responsive theme, however, It is extremely heavy with views which are NOT responsive. I am "ATTEMPTING" to redo everything in views as bootstrap and am have 50% success at best. At the moment I am trying to redo my searches.. I was able to successfully create the output as it's own responsive view. However regardless of what I have tried I couldn't put the two together and make it work.
Originally I had the forms created (not with bootstrap) but they crashed the page that the results were to go to (in a bootstrap view)
then I tried to create a bootstrap form, which I have been able to successfully create with 1 search element. A few things.
1. for what ever reason, the search element I need is grayed out in the New Filter box. So Now I am wondering if I should delete the Query filter ( I hate to do this to test due to the fact that I am not great with that part and don't want to mess with it any more than I have to)
2. I have the form and I filtered to a few posts (as I have 1500 that currently filter through this search) I created the search form to " AJAX results update when visitors change any filter values" but it doesn't work. Nether did the search button format.
I do not know what part of this equation I am missing.
Is there any documentation that you are following?
This always makes me laugh. I looked and looked for answers. What I found is not giving me the answers I need. I tried to follow a video hidden link and couldn't get the same results.
Is there a similar example that we can see?
you can see the not working example here hidden link
What is the link to your site?
hidden link
1. for what ever reason, the search element I need is grayed out in the New Filter box. So Now I am wondering if I should delete the Query filter ( I hate to do this to test due to the fact that I am not great with that part and don't want to mess with it any more than I have to)
Yes, if Text Search is grayed out, you'll most likely need to delete the query filter that corresponds to the text search field. Then, place your cursor in the Search and Pagination editor again and click the Text Search button to generate a new filter automatically. It looks like you've already deleted the Query Filter, because the Text Search button is no longer grayed out for me.
2. I have the form and I filtered to a few posts (as I have 1500 that currently filter through this search) I created the search form to " AJAX results update when visitors change any filter values" but it doesn't work. Nether did the search button format.
The results are being updated, albeit slowly. There's no loading indicator to show that the results are being updated, and the first result is almost always the same, so it appears nothing is happening. You can add a spinner graphic in the Search and Pagination editor area if you'd like to include one.
AJAX results update when visitors change any filter values to me that means as soon as I put dental in the search box I should ONLY see the dentist. NOPE!!
Maybe if Business Category was the only filter, but Business Category is not the only Query Filter applied to this View. There is also a Business Level filter, and the operator connecting the two filters is "OR". Screenshot attached. So the results won't just be dentists. The results will be dentists plus Business Level - ANY. The Asher result is Business Level - ANY, so it's always up there at the top of the list.