Hi there
Tell us what you are trying to do?
I have set up a view that lists previously saved repeating field groups next to a uniquely identified radio input. This view appears in a modal. When the user selects a previously saved repeating field group and clicks the submit button, some js copies the repeating fields from the selected previously saved group into the corresponding fields in the new group form on the page.
This all works fine. What I want is to add a search filter to the view. My questions are:
1) Is it possible to use ajax to update a view on change to inputs if the view appears in a modal?
2) Is it possible to use views search filters to filter a list of repeating field groups (the repeating fields didn't appear in the list of filter fields)?
Is there any documentation that you are following?
I couldn't see anything relating specifically to filtering repeating field groups displayed using a view in a modal.
Is there a similar example that we can see?
Not off the top of my head.
What is the link to your site?
hidden link
Hi again,
I should add, that I could add the filter and select ajax update when anything changes, but that when text is entered into the search box on the form, the view does not change. If I include a submit button, the modal closes and the page reloads without updating the view.
Thanks - Mark
Hi again,
It is possible that a button submit action was interfering with the filter updating process as I have added unique ids to the custom submit button I have on the page and the search filter has started working.
Thanks - Mark