I am trying to output a repeating image field in a Content template. The output is used for a carrousel. Ans when you click on an image in the carousel a lightbox is opened with a slideshow of the images.
The code that has to be repeated must look like this:
What I want is add 'the current image' in the shortcode in someway. My quess is something like this but then instead of the hardcoded url I want the url to the current image:
(something weard happens with de html code. Hij keeps making listitems of them. I hoop you kan see the text as I have typed it 🙂
My question is what do I use to replace the URL in the seperator="" area?
Can you help me with this?
Using the wpv-for-each shortcode you are able to list out each of the individual images which would allow you to correctly add your list tag separators.