I can create a form for a custom type, and I can create a form for a repeatable field group but I can't seem to add the repeatable field group fields inside the form for the custom post type.
Specifically, I have type Exercises, which has a repeatable group "Steps for Completion". I can create a form for Exercises but it does not allow me to add Steps for Completion.
This is not possible with Toolset Forms, and you'd have to suggest such feature to the Product Management here https://toolset.com/home/contact-us/suggest-a-new-feature-for-toolset/
Precisely it would be the ability to add RFG Items (Repeatable Field Groups Items) to a post created by Forms, just as you can do it in the backend.
This means, you'd ask for the ability to create RFG Items when creating the Post with the Form without leaving the form or using another form, and by as many items you want (just, as in the backend).
Such feature was suggested to us in the past already, however, it's imperial to communicate not only your "thumbs up" but also your needs for this feature to the Product Management as above explained so it can be taken into account during development cycles planning.
Right now, with Toolset Forms features you can only create one RFG Item a time, and need to connect it to the post you want it to appear on every time before submitting that Form. This is not alterable at the moment.
Thank you for this reply. Can I get a refund then, on the Interactive version of Toolset, that I only purchased for the Form functionality that I can now no longer use? Thank you.
You could still use Forms for those contents, but separately.
For refunds, you can write in here:
I am sorry to hear Toolset is not up to your expectations!