Found it iin the Functions Theme file. Not the regular one, a special one called funnctions-nb.php
Here's the part that makes the shortcode. I can send you the whole file too....?
//Affichage prenom nom - Auteurs / Collaborateurs
function nom_complet_func( $atts, $postId = null, $startsWithFirstname = true) {
if ($postId == null) {
global $post;
$postId = $post->ID;
$type = 'aucun';
extract( shortcode_atts(
'type' => $type,
if ($type == 'auteur' && get_post_meta( $postId, 'wpcf-collectif', true))
$nomcomplet = __('Collectif');
$tableauNomsComplets = array();
$terms = get_the_terms( $postId, $type );
// This fixes some cases where terms wouldn't be retrieved with function above
if (is_wp_error($terms) || empty($terms) || !$terms) {
$terms = wp_get_post_terms( $postId, $type );
if ( $terms && !is_wp_error( $terms ) ) {
foreach ( $terms as $term ) {
$idterm = $term->term_id;
if ($startsWithFirstname) {
$tableauNomsComplets[] = '' . trim(get_post_meta($idterm, 'wpcf-prenom', true) . ' ' . get_post_meta($idterm, 'wpcf-nom', true)) . '';
} else {
$tableauNomsComplets[] = '' . trim(get_post_meta($idterm, 'wpcf-nom', true) . ', ' . get_post_meta($idterm, 'wpcf-prenom', true)) . '';
if ($type == 'auteur' && get_post_meta( $postId, 'wpcf-sous-la-direction', true) == 1) {
$sousLaDirectionDe = __( 'Sous la direction de ' );
else if ($type == 'auteur' && get_post_meta( $postId, 'wpcf-presente-par', true) == 1) {
$sousLaDirectionDe = __('Présenté par ');
else {
$sousLaDirectionDe = '';
if ($startsWithFirstname) {
$nomcomplet = $sousLaDirectionDe . implode(', ', $tableauNomsComplets);
} else {
$nomcomplet = implode(', ', $tableauNomsComplets) . ($sousLaDirectionDe != '' ? ' (' . trim($sousLaDirectionDe) . ')' : '');
return $nomcomplet;
add_shortcode( 'nom-complet', 'nom_complet_func' );