I am a private user of Toolset, and also use your product at work as a staff member with The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. This question relates to a site I am developing for the latter entity.
My site is hidden link.
I have one post type for our faculty members and one for research items. Each faculty member has an id number and each research item has a key corresponding to "primary faculty member," which echoes the faculty id number.
Using those two keys, I have tried in vain to display each faculty members research item on his/hers faculty page, for instance, hidden link.
Contacting the tech person in my department, I was advised to use the method outlined at this link instead, but I have not been able to make that work either. https://toolset.com/documentation/post-relationships/how-to-display-related-posts-with-toolset/displaying-related-child-posts/
Would you kindly point me to a document from which I could glean the solution? Your help is greatly appreaciated =)
Lars Sahl, M.S.
IT - Analyst, WordPress Deployment
Office of Arts and Sciences Information Services
College of Arts & Sciences
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Venable Hall, Room 1315
Campus Box #3050
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3290
We cannot support this, as it's not related to the site you registered for Toolset.
Using a basic subscription for professional website building is not correct.
Basic Subscriptions allow you to use Toolset on one site a time.
Please register Toolset for the site you need support for.
This will not mean that you can install Toolset on several sites and switch the registration in case you need help for one or another site.
Single site subscriptions are only for one site.
If you require more sites, we have another plan to offer:
Related to displaying related Posts, it depends what you do, as we recently updated our relationships and there is a whole new technique to handle this:
I assume however you used either the old Toolset relationships which work with a hidden custom field or, you used custom code.
In any case - we can assist this only if it concerns your site, I am sorry that we cannot provide support for unsupposed usage of our Software.
Hi Beda, and thank you for your rapid response. If you would be so kind and look up The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, you will find that it is a subscriber to Toolset. I am using my private account for this question as I do not have the University's account.
Seeing as I am both a private and educational user, could you not see it in your heart to help me find the link I am looking for? That would save me from having to move the entire chemistry site to my private server...
Lars Sahl, M.S.
IT - Analyst, WordPress Deployment
Office of Arts and Sciences Information Services
College of Arts & Sciences
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Venable Hall, Room 1315
Campus Box #3050
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3290
I find not any subscription for hidden link, which seems to be that Universities Website.
I can query only by username, email or website registered.
However, whether or not this is a subscribed question - in my previous reply I outlined that I am not completely clear on what you do, how, and with what features.
Displaying related posts in Toolset is done as this:
- Create 2 Post Types
- Connect them with a relationship in Toolset > Relationships
- Create Posts, Connect Posts
- Create a view and query one side of the post type relationship (just one of the both post types)
- Add a Query filter for the connected posts as for example:
Select posts in a (your relationship) relationship that are a related to the current post in the loop.
- If you now complete the loop of the View, and insert this View to a post of one type, it will show all connected posts of the other type, which are queried in views.
However, this is with the new Relationship method.
You seem to have either a legacy relationship or even used custom code or other approaches.
We do not know a lot about this setup, but if your query is how to display related posts, the only what is possible with the stable Toolset is what's elaborated above, for this you do not need any Custom Field or ID - but eventually I miss the purpose of those fields in your system and eventually then it makes sense to query by them.
Thos would be done similarly, in a view, using a Query by that post field.
Thank you so much, Beda - I truly appreciate your help. The sites using Toolset are house on "web.unc.edu," "sites.unc.edu," and perhaps that will allow you to find the account?
I will try your outlined method. Is there perhaps a document describing this in detail?
Again, I am much obliged for your help. If I am still unable to work this out, may I come back with more details to better allow you to dissect this?
Hi Beda,
In neither the UNC nor my personal setup, do I see a "Toolset>Relationships" option. Would you kindly let me know where I should look?
Yeah, I suspected that reading your previous messages, as I mentioned, you seem to use the old relationship before Types 3.0
You'd need to update the plugins to see what I elaborated.
For that, you will need to download the fresh versions from the toolset.com/account/downloads page.
That should then load the correct screens.
BTW I found a key for web.unc.edu.
Still, I warmly suggest using the accounts for the support you use per-site, so to avoid any issues 😉