I am trying to:
Open Relationship page of Toolset
I have Types and Views installed as in other websites where all works perfectly. I had even other website with almost the same configurations, plugins, and theme and it works. On this site I tried even to disable all the plugins but it does not work.
Link to a page where the issue can be seen: hidden link
I tried to clone the website on other server using Duplicator. In effect, after starting the site it seems that everything works for me, but it's not really so because for some reason Duplicator doesn't clone the .htaccess file. So I could verify is that the problem is the WP-Hide plugin. If I establish with WP-Hide that the original folders wp-content and wp-plugin are rewritten and access to the original ones is denied WP-Hide creates some rules in .htaccess and since then only the Relations page does not work (the rest of Toolset and other plugins works perfectly). Just restore access to those folders (even if you keep rewriting) and everything works again. Since protecting those folders from access greatly improves security can I ask you to add this compatibility that can help the many people who use this plugin? Thank you.
So on your live server disabling the plugin works fine.
However In my duplicator of your site it still works fine even if the plugin is enabled. Since you say this is the only site that is giving this issue and its the only site on this server.
Can you run a quick test on one of your other sites by installing the WP-Hide plugin and let me know if the issue still remains.
If we can replicate on multiple different environments then I could run some more tests to see if it is indeed a compatibility issue with the plugin.
It's really weird. We disabled "Block wp-content URL" and "Block plugins URL" then we rehabilitated them and it worked for a while, then it didn't work again, redo the same procedure and now it works again.
In any case we will do further tests on other sites hosted on other servers and we will let you know.
After several tests even with new sites consisting only of WordPress, Toolset and Wp-Hide I am virtually certain that the problem is an incompatibility of Toolset with Wp-Hide, incompatibility that occurs when certain parameters are set on Wp-Hide. Even on the site where the problem initially occurred after disappearing for a short time is back.