Tell us what you are trying to do? - When a Guest clicks a button that sends them to a URL they don't have access to (Toolset Access), I want it to send them to a specific product page. But if a logged in user (User Role: Subscriber) clicks that same button, it sends them to the URL as normal.
Is there any documentation that you are following? - For this? No. I had a look but couldn't find anything relevant; it all just said "Redirect to content template"
Is there a similar example that we can see? - If you find one, let me know so I can copy it.
What is the link to your site? -
ADDITIONAL - If there is a way I can set up a template and just make it automatically redirect to my product page; that'll do - So long as when my site says "Hey! You can't see this!" it redirects them directly to my product page I have set up specifically for them to buy membership.
Unfortunately the only options that are available for redirecting users when they don't have access are the ones that you see here in my screenshot
If you want to redirect the user to a specific page you will need to either user another plugin to manage this or use some amount of custom code to manage the permissions of the page and perform the redirect for guests using custom code.