I created a view with the list of articles made by a user, in this list there is the button to delete a post, I used the shortcode:
[cred_delete_post_link action='trash' class='btn btn-danger cred-refresh-after-delete' message='Vuoi veramente eliminare questo post?' message_show='1']Elimina[/cred_delete_post_link]
I would like to insert a redirect to a page after deleting an article, what can I do?
Hello, you can use the "redirect" shortcode attribute to redirect to any post or page. You must place the post ID in the redirect shortcode attribute value. For example, if you want to redirect to a page with ID 21, you would use a shortcode like this:
[cred_delete_post_link action='trash' redirect='21' class='btn btn-danger cred-refresh-after-delete' message='Vuoi veramente eliminare questo post?' message_show='1']Elimina[/cred_delete_post_link]
We have documentation for this shortcode available here: https://toolset.com/documentation/user-guides/front-end-forms/cred-shortcodes/#cred_delete_post_link
Let me know if this isn't working as expected.
the link redirect works fine, how can I if it is possible to insert in this link a form to ask for data (select among more choices) on why the related article was deleted?
I don't know of an easy way to accomplish this with the cred_delete_post_link shortcode. I think you would have to create a custom field somewhere to store that information, and use another Form to capture that information. Then use custom code to delete the original post somehow..it sounds fairly complex.