Picking up up on a thread that was closed before it was resolved...
I built a portfolio site where products are displayed on different pages according to category. I recently added some new products and they are not displaying on the pages they should be assigned to. This has worked for years and I'm wondering if more recent updates have caused something to break.
Here is an example:
Page: hidden link
Product that I've added that should be displayed on that page but is not: hidden link
The "Sculpture: Freestanding" page has the following shortcode on it that should display any products assigned the "Sculpture: Freestanding" WooCommerce Category:
{!{wpv-view name='view-for-products' wpvproductcat=‘sculp-free’}!}
In the previous support thread, I was steered towards making archive pages. I would rather not do that if if there is a simple fix to restore the functionality that I have had with Toolset since I built the site.
I'm happy to give you admin access if that would speed things up. Thanks.
Thanks for your help so far. That isn't quite what I was looking for though—sorry if I didn't explain clearly. I took the shortcode you added out of the template.
My problem is that new products I've added aren't showing up on the pages they should show up on.
This page: hidden link)
... has the same shortcode you added to the template: {!{wpv-view name='view-for-products' wpvproductcat=‘sculp-free’}!}
... so it should display any products that have been assigned a product category of "Sculpture: Freestanding"
However, I recently added this product:
... and assigned it to the "Sculpture: Freestanding" category, but it doesn't show up on that page.\
Also, I just noticed this on the product page and am wondering if there's a connection? hidden link
"This content type is not currently managed by the Access plugin. To be able to add it to Post Group, first go to the Access admin and allow Access to control it."
The product should now be displaying. The issue was that you were sorting your view by the year-4sorting custom field. However i couldn't find this custom field anywhere on the product. Normally what happens is that our view isn't able to filter by a null value so the product is omitted in the display.
Changing the ordering options for the view to order by the post date caused the product to show up. If there are any further questions please let me know.
Right, okay. I added the year4sorting custom field to all products. Now everything is showing up and sorting the way I'd like it to. Thanks very much for your help.