I am trying to:
Show the results of a view without displaying glossary tooltips.
We use a premium plugin called glossary from codeat to show tooltips to some special terms to help WordPress beginners to understand our articles:
hidden link
You can see the tooltips i.e. at the first paragraph of this article with the terms "Themes" and "Child Theme":
hidden link
I made a view called "Produktbox View" that shows some information about WordPress plugins, themes or services. The view is filtered by shortcode attributes ids. I only define one id of the CPT "Produkt" per view Shortcode:
[wpv-view name="produktbox-view" ids="2294"]
This is the loop:
<div class="produktbox">
<div class="produkttitel"><strong><a rel="noopener" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="[types field='homepage' output='raw'][/types]">[wpv-post-title]</a></strong>: [types field='kurzbeschreibung'][/types]</div>
<div class="produktboxbild"><a rel="noopener" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="[types field='homepage' output='raw'][/types]">[wpv-post-featured-image size="medium"]</a></div>
<div class="produktkurzbeschreibung">[wpv-post-excerpt output="raw"]</div>
[wpv-conditional if="( $(wpcf-hubpage) ne '' )"]<div class="infopagelink"><a href="[types field='hubpage' output='raw'][/types]">[wpv-post-title] Infos</a></div>[/wpv-conditional]
[wpv-conditional if="( $(wpcf-hubpage) eq '' ) AND ( $(wpcf-testpage) ne '' )"]<div class="infopagelink"><a href="[types field='testpage' output='raw'][/types]">[wpv-post-title] Test</a></div>[/wpv-conditional]
[wpv-view name="aktuelles-angebot-eines-produktes-produktbox"]</div>
This works fine, but if the Glossary plugin is active the first appearance of this view on the page has an error. The display of the second...
... in the view shows the title of the page where the view is shown, instead of the title of the actual Produkt CPT in the loop.
This is strange because the first occourance of the wpv-post-title on the tops works correctly. Also this error occours only the first time the view is integrated in the page. All following views show up correct.
This error dissapears if I integrate any other view above the produktbox-view.
It also disappears if I deaktivate the Glossary plugin for this page.
Link to a page where the issue can be seen:
hidden link
I expected to see:
The second produktbox-view shows information about the Astra Theme and the wpv-post-title under the image shows up as expected as "Astra Theme" + "Test".
Instead, I got:
The first produktbox-view shows information about the Divi Theme and the wpv-post-title under the image shows up as "Produktbox Testseite (ohne Beaver)" (this is the titel of the page) + "Test".
I already tried to stop the glossary plugin from rendering the view content with the help of the shortcodes:
[glossary-ignore]This text should not be rendert by the glossary plugin![/glossary-ignore]
This works with "normal" content. I already tested that.
But this does only work partially with my view but never for the whole view. I placed the shortcodes at the beginning and the end of the loop item, before and after the shortcode for the view and around every single line in the view. It works for some parts of the view i.e. for the first line.
But this is not my main problem. If I use following tags in the view:
[wpv-post-body view_template="None"]
[wpv-post-excerpt output="raw"]
[wpv-post-excerpt length="100" more="weiter"]
The following output of wpv-post-title is wrong.
It works if I use
[wpv-post-body view_template="None" suppress_filters="true"]
... but I only want the excerpt to be shown and the following code doesn't work:
[wpv-post-excerpt output="raw" suppress_filters="true"]
I know that you can't help when the problem is caused by the third party plugin, but I can't figure out if this is the case and how the rendering of the content is controlled.
I also informed the creator of the glossary plugin.