Please refer to my attached screensot z000.jpg for a visual demonstration to the following:
I have 3 CPT, books, Articles and Sermons. there is a custom field (radio button) attached to all of them.
I also have 3 taxonomies, Authors, Places and "main categories). these taxonomies are assigned to all of the 3 CPT.
So a book post, will have an author, main category and a place.
I wanted to create a layout for the "places" taxonomy archive, following this documentation:
the layout is to contain a view that shows posts from all 3 CPT, with the addition of the following:
- a dropdown list for the "author Taxonomy" so users can filter the material by a specific author.
- a dropdown list for the "main categories", so users can filter the material by a specific main category.
- a radio button for the 3 values of the custom field.
Problems faces:
1- the "AND" argument doesnt work. I think that this is a problem in the latest version of the plugin. i had the exact same problem happened to me on another view a couple of days ago. then i got a message saying that the relationships i have are adjusted by defualt to "OR", while it needs to be "AND". click here to fix.
The problem is that the relationship was already showing "AND".
Please check the screenshot z001.jpg.
the implications of this problem is that the view became insensitive. it shows all values from all taxonomies, and when chosing anything, nothing gets filtered out.
please check the problem here:
hidden link
2- I chose "Pagination enabled with manual transition and AJAX", however, a red flag is shown on the "submit button". please check screenshot "z002.jpg".
3- when i enable the pagination and insert the bootstrap pagination, i get 2 paginations, one from the default WP functions, and one from the bootstrap elements inserted in the view. if i turned pagination off, both go. if i turned it off and pasted the pagination code manually, it doesnt work.
can you please help me fixing these issues?
Thanks a lot for such awesome support, all the time.