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[Resolved] Problem with Slider (follow-up)

This support ticket is created 8 years, 4 months ago. There's a good chance that you are reading advice that it now obsolete.

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This topic contains 35 replies, has 4 voices.

Last updated by mohamed-saadC 8 years ago.

Assisted by: Mohammed.


Follow-up for the subject:

I am trying to: make my slider show up correctly

I visited this URL:

I expected to see: a working slider under the "partenaires" section

Instead, I got: a slider than only shows the first slide and then collapse.

I can't find where the debug info is since the new version of toolset plugin.

This is a test site. I can send the ftp and admin credentials.



Languages: English (English )

Timezone: Asia/Kolkata (GMT+05:30)

Hello. Thank you for contacting the Toolset support.

I will escalate your ticket to our next level support. Please be patient, wait for a reply from them and they will get in touch with you as soon as possible


To further debug the problem I’d like to replicate your site locally. For this I'll need to temporarily install a plugin called "Duplicator" on your site. This will allow me to create a copy of your site and your content. If you prefer to do it on your own, you can provide me with the snapshot following these directions:

If you already know how Duplicator works (, please skip the following steps and just send me the installer file and the zipped package you downloaded.

Duplicator instructions:

hidden link

Send me both files (you probably want to use DropBox, Google Drive, or similar services, as the snapshot file will be quite big).

IMPORTANT: remember to create or keep an admin account for me before creating the snapshot, or I won't be able to login. You may delete the new admin account once the snapshot has been built.

Once the problem is resolved I will delete the local site.


Adriano, you already have all the infos and credentials you need here:

It's the same website, you just told me to open a new thread because I had accidentally closed the other one. There is already a duplicator backup you can download from the duplicator tab on the website admin.

Please let me know if you're taking care of this or not?


I'm sorry, you are right. So the problem indeed is the server get length limit. Of course there is a limited defined in the server. Take a look at the requested URL, please show this to your hosting provider, the server isn't returning any result through this URL:

hidden link

I'm saying that because you are not the only one who needed to extend the get length limit. We are working to solve that Views issue, we will use a smaller URL very soon. Thank you for your understanding.


Adriano, thank you so much for your help and explanation. As I already told you, my WebHost told me that there isn't any length limit to request URL, but I'll show him the URL and get back to you, as soon as he answers me.


Hi again Adriano, I just sent a ticket to my host provider and I'll get back to you as soon as they answer me.
I'd like to ask you if you tried installing the Duplicator Backup on your local server and then if the slider worked correctly?


hi again Adriano. I have the feedback from my web hosting provider support. They didn't detect any issues with the link you sent me. The server responds with a code 200 and there are no error in the logs. They tried with php version 5.4 and then the slider doesn't disappear but it doesn't update to the second slide neither. They don't detect any error or issue with their server related with my website.
Then I'm sorry to tell you than the problem doesn't seem to be on their side.

Captura de Tela 2016-05-16 às 13.54.57.png

Not sure why but now it's throwing a 404 error. Please check the attached image.


thank you so much Adriano, I'll send this capture to my hosting provider and get back to you as soon as they answer me.
Just a question, did you install a local version of the site on your computer, did it work correctly?


Hi again Adriano, I'm back with the answer of my hosting provider about the 404 that appears on the screen capture you sent me. Here is their answer:

This is the exact error concerning your plugin as checked from the Apache log:

"[Mon May 16 13:01:02 2016] [error] [client] [host] Error sending request(GET /wp-content/plugins/wp-views/embedded/inc/wpv-ajax-pagination-default.php?wpv-ajax-pagination=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 HTTP/1.1); uri(/wp-content/plugins/wp-views/embedded/inc/wpv-ajax-pagination-default.php?wpv-ajax-pagination=7b22616374696f6e223a227770765f6765745f70616765222c2270616765223a312c22766965775f6e756d626572223a2232352d54435049443631222c227770765f736f72745f6f726465726279223a22706f73745f7469746c65222c227770765f736f72745f6f72646572223a22617363222c227770765f766965775f7769646765745f6964223a302c22766965775f68617368223a2265794a755957316c496a6f696247396e6279316b5a584d74634746796447567559576c795a584d6966513d3d222c227770765f6175785f63757272656e745f706f73745f6964223a223631222c226470735f7072223a7b7d2c226470735f67656e6572616c223a7b7d2c226765745f706172616d73223a7b7d2c226c616e67223a226672227d) content-length(0) (lsphp is killed?): ReceiveLSHeader: nothing to read from backend socket, referer: <em><u>hidden link</u></em>" 

Please provide this error to the plugin support so they can provide further insight on the exact cause of this.

Personally, I don't understand all this, so if you could help, that would be awesome.


I'm not so experienced with server modules, but after a research I've found out it's about the mod_lsapi apache module. This error means:

"sphp was killed. It can be due to apache restart or lfd. If you see this message too often - change lsapi_terminate_backends_on_exit to Off in lsapi.conf or add to /etc/csf/csf.pignore the following lines: exe:/usr/local/bin/lsphp

From: hidden link


I bring good news. We've fixed that and we would like to test it in a test site. Is that possible to provide that to us?


Test it yourself 🙂

I did my test and it really worked fine! Now you can expect an official fix in the next release.

Please let me know if you are satisfied with my reply and any other questions you may have.


Adriano Ferreira


I think you found a fix, could you tell me what was the problem and how I could implement it on my production site? I can't wait to for the official fix to be released.

This ticket is now closed. If you're a Toolset client and need related help, please open a new support ticket.