I've noticed that some of my conditionals seemed to have stopped working. I'm running Views 2.3.1 - I have tested and upgraded to 2.4 (with wp 4.8) and the problem remains. I suspect the problem started in 2.3
Sample 1 - the original code
[wpv-conditional if="($(wpcf-acc-garden-free-run) eq '1' AND $(wpcf-acc-garden-public) eq '1')"]
<i class="fa fa-paw"></i>
<span>Dein Hund darf sich am Grundstück bzw. auf dem Teil des Grundstücks frei bewegen</span>
[wpv-conditional if="($(wpcf-acc-garden-fenced-area) eq '1')"]
<i class="fa fa-paw"></i>
<span>Das Grundstück ist eingezäunt und darf vom Hund benutzt werden
<span class="badge hu-badge-red">[types field="acc-garden-fence-height"][/types] cm </span>
[wpv-conditional if="(NOT(empty($(wpcf-acc-garden-fenced-size))))"]
<span class="badge hu-badge-red">[types field="acc-garden-fenced-size"][/types] [types field="acc-garden-fenced-size-units"][/types]</span>
Removing the outer conditional
<i class="fa fa-paw"></i>
<span>Dein Hund darf sich am Grundstück bzw. auf dem Teil des Grundstücks frei bewegen</span>
[wpv-conditional if="($(wpcf-acc-garden-fenced-area) eq '1')"]
<i class="fa fa-paw"></i>
<span>Das Grundstück ist eingezäunt und darf vom Hund benutzt werden
<span class="badge hu-badge-red">[types field="acc-garden-fence-height"][/types] cm </span>
[wpv-conditional if="(NOT(empty($(wpcf-acc-garden-fenced-size))))"]
<span class="badge hu-badge-red">[types field="acc-garden-fenced-size"][/types] [types field="acc-garden-fenced-size-units"][/types]</span>
Removing the inner conditional
[wpv-conditional if="($(wpcf-acc-garden-free-run) eq '1' AND $(wpcf-acc-garden-public) eq '1')"]
<i class="fa fa-paw"></i>
<span>Dein Hund darf sich am Grundstück bzw. auf dem Teil des Grundstücks frei bewegen</span>
[wpv-conditional if="($(wpcf-acc-garden-fenced-area) eq '1')"]
<i class="fa fa-paw"></i>
<span>Das Grundstück ist eingezäunt und darf vom Hund benutzt werden
<span class="badge hu-badge-red">[types field="acc-garden-fence-height"][/types] cm </span>
<span class="badge hu-badge-red">[types field="acc-garden-fenced-size"][/types] [types field="acc-garden-fenced-size-units"][/types]</span>
The original sample above is outputting types shortcodes instead of process them. If I remove the outer or inner of the 3 levels of conditionals, then the output is rendered correctly (although the conditional logic is not correct).
I've been chatting to the developer who posted this issue - https://toolset.com/forums/topic/shortcodes-are-not-parsed-when-nested-wpv-conditional-are-used/ and the effect appears to be identical.
Hello Simon,
Thank you for contacting WPML support. I'll be happy to help you with this.
I believe your conditionals are missing some parenthesis, please see the difference between this two lines:
[wpv-conditional if="($(wpcf-acc-garden-free-run) eq '1' AND $(wpcf-acc-garden-public) eq '1')"]
[wpv-conditional if="( '[wpv-post-excerpt]' ne '' ) AND ( $(wpcf-consultant-gender) eq 'female' )"]
The conditionals are isolated, for example: [wpv-conditional if="( FIRST_CONDITIONAL ) AND ( SECOND_CONDITIONAL )"]
Please let me know if you need any further assistance and I will be happy to help.
Kind regards,
As I mentioned in my original - these conditionals haven't changed, they've just stopped working after an upgrade.
I've tried several combinations of parenthesis and double/single quotes
Here's another example with the same problem:
[wpv-conditional if="($(wpcf-acc-training-option-professional-workshops) eq '1' ) OR ($(wpcf-acc-training-option-dog-events) eq '1' ) "]
<h3 class="hu-page__subsection-title">Hundeseminare</h3>
<ul class="hu-paw-list">
[wpv-conditional if="($(wpcf-acc-training-option-professional-workshops) eq '1')"]
<span>Es werden im Haus Hundeseminare/ Workshops/ Hundekurse angeboten</span>
[types field="acc-professional-workshops-notes"][/types]
[wpv-conditional if="($(wpcf-acc-training-option-dog-events) eq '1' )"]
<span>Unser Standort eignet sich für die Veranstaltung von Seminaren o.ä. (z.B. Hundetraining, Hunde-Workshop). Er ist für Gruppen geeignet.</span>
<span>mögliche Anzahl an Teilnehmer <span class="badge hu-badge-red">[types field="acc-training-events-participants"][/types]</span></span>
<span>mögliche Anzahl an Hunden <span class="badge hu-badge-red">[types field="acc-training-events-dog-count"][/types]</span></span>
[wpv-conditional if="(NOT(empty($(wpcf-acc-training-events-notes))))"]
[types field="acc-training-events-notes"][/types]
I had run some tests locally and it doesn’t seem to be a problem in my end, so there must be something different in your setup and I need to investigate.
Could you please share a link with a copy of your site. Please use the plugin called Duplicator and don't forget to share the installer.php file too.
Carlos, my site is a bit of a monster. Could you share you test samples with me and I'll run them in my environment?
Hello Simon,
I would like you to send me a copy of your site (using the Duplicator plugin) because I need to verify that the issue can be replicated and also I want to do some further testing on a safe environment. You can read on how to create a copy of your site using Duplicator in this link: https://toolset.com/faq/provide-supporters-copy-site/
Our Debugging Procedures
I will be checking various settings in the backend to see if the issue can be resolved. Although I won't be making changes that affect the site, it is still good practice to backup the site before providing us with a copy.
Please make a backup of site files and database before providing us with a copy.
Please let me know if you need any further assistance and I will be happy to help.
Kind regards,