We need to use relative position inside background image content, so that, we don’t need to define background image height. Please try with following CSS:
Now, I can not access your pages because coming soon mode is activated. Can you please disable that mode for some time or give me wp-admin access to fix the CSS issue.
>> why is the border not attached to the photo? I followed this guide, but the picture does not round the edges, because ?
You were applying border and border radius to the container div that’s why it’s not applying to photo. I have applied your css to photo and it looks fine now.
I have updated Layout CSS and now it looks as in attached screenshot.
Please kindly open a new ticket if you found any issue and we would be happy to help. This will help other users with similar problems to find solutions when searching the forum, We do not handle multiple issues in the same ticket as per support policy. https://toolset.com/toolset-support-policy/
I was able to show the problem to a professional. tells me that you have to see the html of the page and then assign the class to the Html element. There is no Html in the Creature Layout.
I noticed that the background is responsive, while all the rest: title, photo, etc., does not remain attached.
>> The problem is that, you want to display the complete picture in mobile version that’s why image height shrinks according to screen width, if we will display full height and width according to screen width then image will become stretched and it will not looks good, We can display image left/right/center section on mobile as in attached screenshot right part is showing, In this way it will cover all content.