I would like to prevent Toolset from generating wpcf_ images when using the new Gallery Block.
Right now I have only two additional image sizes set up in WP plus the original image upload which gives 3 total files per upload. This way my upload folder is neat and I could keep the INODE count on my hosting low that way.
However when I use the new gallery block with the Collage style and a custom layout I don't see an option to set what originally is being set as resize="proportional" via code which makes Toolset image fields look for the original files that WP is generating. Even if I select the image sizes defined by WP, Toolset still generates duplicate images with a wpcf_ prefix that acutally have the same pixel size as the images generated by WP's custom image sizes defined by the WP Admin.
Please help me solve this as I need to keep the file count low in order to scale my platform for thousands of users without wasting server resources. I cannot afford to have more than 3 files per user uploaded image stored on the server. I do not want Toolset to generate any additional images at all!
We are aware of the issue when you are using the default sizes for wordpress and a report has been made for this.
However for the custom image sizes the images are generated dynamically at the time the page is accessed so it doesn't actually keep the images on your site.
If I interpreted wrongly please provide a little more detail as well as some screenshots of the issue for further clarity.
Yes images are created when the user access the website - which in turn adds an initial loading speed time penalty, ouch!
And no, the images are not going to disappear afterwards, they stay in the uploads folder.
So we have two problems here actually, having in mind the added loading speed time penalty!
In WP Media Settings I have set:
Thumbnail size: 604 x 604px
Medium size: 0 x 0 (which disables this size and prevents WP from generating an additional image)
Large size: 1024 x 1024
..and enabled the "Crop thumbnail to exact dimensions (normally thumbnails are proportional)" option too.
In Toolset Gallery block settings if I use the Thumbnail or Large size - I get "wpcf" images generated.
If I use Medium or Original size - I get a link to the original file the user has uploaded. However this is usually a large file in terms of byte volume so I would like to use the Original WP generated 1024px file.
I expect a solution to this issue as it is currently preventing me to switch my platform from Beta to Live version. I can't risk to get a high user-flow and generate thousands of images that I will have to manually clean up.
Tried clearing the cached images via Toolset > Settings > Custom Content > Images section, but it did nothing.
I expect to have the ability to turn off Toolset wpcf image generation altogether via a checkbox on this very same Settings page.
As mentioned previously this is a known issue and is escalated to our Development team for a fix to be provided.
Right now i'm not seeing an ETA for a fix for this, however I will be adding your ticket to the list of reference tickets on the internal escalated ticket.
I see on our system that this has been fixed in our Types version 1.3 currently we are on Types version 1.4.1 so this issue should no longer occur for you.