I am trying to:
Get the templates to be the same across all post arcived
Link to a page where the issue can be seen: hidden link
I expected to see: hidden link
It should be a 3 column grid taking up 1/1 of the bootstrap framework
Instead, I got:
It is 3 column grid taking up 2/3 of the bootstrap framework. it looks like there is something setting the width at 9 in bootstrap but the template is exactly the same.
The problem is earlier in the HTML tree than what you show in your question.
I visited the two pages in question. You can see the archive that displays full width (vc-full-width.png) adds the class vc_col-md-12 to the container, but on the other archive it adds the class vc_col-md-9 (vc-3-quarter.png), with a width of 75%.
I'm not sure what your settings are, but the part of the archive page that is output by Toolset is just using the available space, and the available space provided by your theme and/or Visual Composer is less on the problem archive.