There should be 3 fields that are required on the test form (select post title, select relationship and page title)
If you satisfy the first two and forget to put a value for the page title, then submit the post. You will get a post with no title.
On that form you will see two title fields in different conditions. My workaround on test form BF , I moved the title field out of the condition and left the label in the condition. I was only looking for a different description on what to be put in the field but I still wanted the title field to be required.
I am checking this issue with our 2nd Tier to confirm if this is a bug or if we should not use the post title inside conditional groups. I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
Jamal is off. This is Minesh here and I'll take care of this ticket. Hope this is OK.
We checked with our 2nd tier and you are welcome to use the workaround for now and there is need to escalate this issue to our next level support. Please feel free to mark resolve this ticket.
Since you are coming into this topic late, you do not understand the concept or issue. NO required fields are not always visible. If they are put in conditions they are hidden, until a condition is met for them to be visible. My question is when there condition is met, will they still be a required field as that was not the case with post title. I was only asking since there was a problem with post title becoming a non required field when put in a condition, could this happen with any other field types loosing there required status if they are put in a condition.