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Ive created a form to make a new pot. It works great however, I dont want the form to generate a title automatically.
I actually want the post title to stay completely blank, but it has asssigned this title:
CRED Auto Draft 3b6a6b2425bd721a6bc5b77
Can you help explain how to disable the generation of a post title and keep it blank?
Hello, thank you for contact us. I will try to do my best to help you.
The post title is autogenerated by WordPress and in this case, CRED just assigns it a name. So you cannot have posts with empty titles. The options that you have here are:
- Use the hook 'cred_save_data' to change the behaviour when saving a new post.
- Create a Custom Post Type with Types, instead of Posts and disable the Title when editing that CPT. This won't remove the title from the database, but you won't see it when editing it.
Please let me know if this solves the issue or if you need further details.
Have a good day.