I am trying to:
I have a custom field of a post relationship and everytime i select the related post and update status, the relationship disappears. This is happening on the front end and wp admin. Please see the images below:
It's not clear to me from your description how the relationships are set up, and I want to try to reproduce the problem.
Could I access your site to see for myself?
I'll try to reproduce your set up—and issue—on a local test site, and if I can't I'll export your settings or take a copy of the site for further testing.
I will mark your next reply as private so that I can get log-in credentials from you—you may want to create a temporary admin user for me to use that you can later delete. And be sure to have a current backup of your site.
Which is the relationship in question, and which is the post edit screen you took your screenshots from?