I'm using a "Post Reference" field type for one of my CPTs and it is no longer working after a Toolset update. My old CPT posts are still getting the data, but not my new ones. What's more if I update an old post the field stops working (for logged users only). I believe this is the problem.
This article shows how to edit code using WP_Query. I do have an archive page (that has this problem) but also a single-CTP.php page that uses:
$download_file = get_post_meta( $post->ID, "wpcf-download", true);
echo 'the download file is ' . $download_file;
Nothing is displayed for new posts. I've also read this about using relationship slugs:
The Field slug for this Post Relationship field is just download. But when I try using this neither old or new posts display my $download_file.
Sorry found a link to API changes and using this fixed it: